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  • sophiabronte

How can marketing automation help businesses?

Businesses are under constant pressure to do more with less; to increase sales and productivity with fewer resources and much less time. Luckily they have marketing automation to support their efforts. Digital transformation in businesses has automated the tasks that marketers previously performed manually. In the present context, the scope of marketing automation has gone way beyond simply automating your repetitive tasks with optimization at the core. Importantly, in today’s world automation is inextricably linked to the specialized marketing platforms.

This article highlights the ways in which marketing automation can help your business; also guiding you to select the appropriate tools suited for the purpose.

1. Increasing revenues

Undoubtedly, customer data is a gold mine for businesses. A robust marketing automation platform empowers businesses to analyze and interpret the data. With detailed analytics, reports, you can identify the buyer’s purchase behavior. Tools like, Leadfeeder, moLotus, Act-On, etc. are suitable for improving high-margin business revenues. Studies suggest that moLotus has maximized customer lifetime value and increased in average revenue per customer for global brands via loyalty, rewards, upselling and cross-selling campaigns.

2. Reducing costs

Embracing appropriate marketing automation tools, businesses are capable of reducing their staffing, printing, distribution, etc. costs significantly. Your brand no longer needs to maintain an army of workers. A single employee is capable of setting up automated marketing campaigns cost-effectively. Now you have a choice to use more advanced mobile automation tools, not restricting yourself to age-old email automation. You can send messages to millions of customers via moLotus; cutting down headcounts for cold calling and business support, slashing the staffing costs drastically.

3. Enhancing customer loyalty and retention

Automation has made customer loyalty more achievable than ever by making one-to-one customer interactions a reality! Instead of hammering the audience with mindless messages, now businesses should aim at targeting meaningful interactions across buyer segments.

In the past app-based Loyalty Cards have been quite effective in creating a loyal customer base. The advent of superior mobile automation platforms like moLotus has disrupted the digital loyalty card's space with Mobile loyalty cards. Interestingly, top brands are fast replacing plastic cards with cost-effective and convenient mCards directly delivered to the customers’ mobile inbox; enhancing loyalty. Further, moLotus unique capabilities like rate-it, mContest, milestone, etc. used for getting instant feedback, engaging existing customers, greeting & rewarding, have proven successful in improving customer loyalty.

4. Process Automation & Transformation

Research shows that by automating and transforming their processes digitally, businesses have created a hassle-free experience for customers. Onboarding and engaging the new-age customer requires new-age tools like moLotus having robust Automation API and unique capabilities like interacting & processing customer requests in real-time, customer document submission, full integration, etc. For instance, by using moLotus’ unique capabilities, an automotive brand can seamlessly transform post-sale communications to provide personalized info, on-boarding, and collect dealer and salesperson performance feedback, send service reminders, and other communication - while saving on cost, delighting the customer, and collecting performance data.

5. Scalability, Analyzing & Reporting

It’s been observed that measuring the ROI of marketing activities is an uphill task. Marketing automation tools like Marketo, Hubspot, moLotus, etc. could prove to be quite helpful for businesses in tracking campaign results, analyzing the responses of users, measuring campaign success, and generating crisp and comprehensive reports.

In a nutshell

If your business is still using age-old platforms like email, it’s time to ask yourself: Do you really want to maximize revenue, lower costs, reach more customers, enhance customer engagement and transform your processes? The article answers it all for you. Marketing automation solutions like moLotus have undoubtedly scaled up marketing ROI for all businesses and now its the turn for your business to tread the path of digital automation.

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